

其他认证途径 (ARC) is a one-year certification program designed specifically for candidates working in partner school districts (Routes 2 and 4) or who bring substantive background knowledge to teaching (Route 3). 有雇主支持, classified staff such as para-educators or 指令al assistants (Route 2), 或持有有限资格证书的教师(路线4), conditional or emergency) may use their employment as part of their job-embedded internship if it overlaps with their teaching endorsement.

的 program begins in the summer and completes in the spring, comprising four quarters. 考生完全在线完成课程, though t在这里 are opportunities for on-campus participation in various events such as the annual job fair. ARC项目完全使用在线课程, though it still requires some scheduled/synchronous online course participation. 的 courses are not self-paced but generally follow one learning topic/module per week to maximize cohort interaction.


  • 展示 有效和公平的教学实践.
  • 定心 对学生成绩寄予厚望的指导, 包括文化响应教学实践.
  • 认识到 并对个别学生的学习需求做出回应.
  • 提供 clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum.
  • 培养 管理一个安全、积极、包容的学习环境.
  • 使用 multiple student data elements to modify 指令 and improve student learning.
  • 沟通 与家长和学校社区合作.
  • 表现出 collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving 指令 and learning.
  • 发展中 professional wellness habits in order to persist and thrive in the teaching profession.


的 program includes core credits taken at the 6000-level and 专业发展 credits taken at the 5000-level. Depending upon endorsement track, the program is between 35 and 45 credits. 

  • 12个核心学分 taken at the 6000-level are reserved for a full year of student teaching internship.
  • 6000级学分中的9个 包括课程设计在内的核心领域的课程作业, 专业的问题, 专业发展, 项目评估.
  • 5000学分中的14到24学分 will comprise the rest of the program depending upon endorsement track. 

候选人和导师遵循共同教学模式, 规划的责任, 指令, 管理, 评估是共享的. You begin your internship with focused observations and progress to independent teaching. 在实习, you will complete assignments designed to maximize learning from field experiences, 比如课堂管理计划, 作品集实习感想, 课程计划, 家庭订婚计划, 项目评估. 的 internship concludes with you returning control of classroom responsibilities to your mentor teacher.

Credits completed at the 5000-level are based on a Teacher Development Plan (TDP), which is organized by program administrators according to endorsement(s) and prior experience. 合作地区可以提供TDP课程,或与学校合作 职业教育中心,发展和配备课程. 找到了5000级课程的课程描述 在这里. (PDF) 

Students may also enroll in regular (6000-level) program courses for meeting TDP requirements. 找到了6000级课程的课程描述 在这个目录中. Students enrolled in the ARC program earn a Washington Residency Certificate after completing all program requirements and passing program assessments. 这个课程不能获得学位.


申请人必须提交下列资料至 研究生招生:

  • 在线申请 50美元的申请 手续费.
  • 官方成绩单(s) 从每个学院和/或大学就读.
    • 如果你的学位不是美国大学的.S. college or university, please arrange for your transcript to be evaluated by a nace成员-认可的凭证服务. 可接受的证书服务包括但不限于: 世界教育服务 (韦斯)和 国际服务基金会 (FIS).
  • 个人陈述 (1 - 2页).
  • 的简历.
  • 两封推荐信.      
    • 路线2和路线4申请者 who are employed by a district/school: 1) a current school administrator, 2)一位熟悉你和学生的工作的老师.
    • 三号路线申请人, not employed in schools: two letters from supervisors or academics who have knowledge of either your work with children or your endorsement content knowledge
  • 首选 WEST-B scores, 包括 240 on each sub-test: reading, writing, and mathematics.
    • 申请人可以使用SAT的组合, 行为, and WEST-B scores to meet the WEST-B preferred score of 240 (reading writing, 数学). 请联系 研究生招生 如果你有问题.
    • Minimum SAT scores required: Math: 515, Reading: 500, Writing: 490.
    • 最低行为成绩要求:数学:22,阅读:22,写作:8.
  • 通过 国家背书测验.
    • 那些支持 指定的世界语言 or 双语教育 must also pass oral and writing proficiency tests in their language area.
    • Several NES study guides are located on the main floor Reference section of SPU’s 艾姆斯库. 如果你申请并被准予录取, you may use your SPU account to check out online study guides from the library.
  • 核实背书准备情况.
    • Endorsements are the content and grade levels a teacher is prepared to teach. 专业教育标准委员会(PESB)) provides a comprehensive list of endorsements and the required content competencies and assessments.
    • 如果你的大学专业与你想要的背书相符, 填妥申请表格内的签注核实表格.
    • If your major does not match your intended endorsement, please contact our certification officer, 克丽丝蒂Kanehen. 填妥签注验证表格 只有在 联系认证人员. 在表格上, indicate that you have been in contact with the certification officer and list your “Approved Plan of Study,如果已经开发出来的话.
  • 短缺面积要求.
    • Students enrolled in an alternative routes to certification program must be pursuing at least one endorsement in a subject and/or geographic area as defined by PESB, 包括, 但不限于, 特殊教育, 小学, 英语语言艺术, 西班牙语, 社会研究, 和英语学习者. Students with a local shortage area (district-wide) are eligible as long as the district is able to verify t在这里 is a local shortage. 目前短缺的地区可以在上面找到 PESB网站.
  • 道德品质及个人健康政策表格 (可在网上申请中找到).

Applicants with complete files submitted by the deadline are screened for interviews, held in March. 面试邀请是通过电子邮件发送的. 


  • 学生必须连续入学 in required SPU courses to earn this certificate, or until officially withdrawing from the program. Exceptions to continuous enrollment must be approved by the program director.
  • 学生可以获准休假 最多四个季度由项目协调员负责. 一旦休假期满, the student will either enroll in graduate coursework or be dropped from the program.
  • 大学学术政策要求 连续入学以继续被研究生课程录取. 经过四个季度的不登记, students will be placed in “inactive status” and will need to reapply for admission.
  • If a student decides to no longer pursue a residency teaching certificate, the student may officially withdraw from the program and SPU by notifying the program coordinator and the associate director of graduate programs.


录取材料应直接寄给研究生招生处. If you have questions about graduate education or certification programs:

